
» Agricultural products » Cottonseed

Angiosperm, dikotylon plant cotton belongs to the class of Malachodon and family Malachoeidon. Native of tropical regions of Asia and Africa are known since ancient times and cultivated for its fiber.
The scientific name is gosypio and shoots the branch reaching a height of 1.5 meters and 6 meters in tree-varieties. He leaves with long stalks, large and with  lamina .At the base of the stem are usually two small Stipules toothed.

The flowers emerge from the leaf axils and are large, solitary and produced by buds. Their flower buds at the beginning like small pyramids and at this stage the flowers called scallops. Its fruit is a capsule and has 8-10 seeds surrounded by white fibers. Mature fibers consist largely of cellulose.

Today cotton is grown in many countries of the world but most of the production comes from the northern hemisphere.